In order to circulate the greatest amount of knowledge derived from teaching practice, the construction of materials for classroom work and the improvement of academic processes, among others, Ediciones UCC has its production line in Social Appropriation of Knowledge (ASC ). Thanks to it, teachers, researchers and research groups have a space for publication and communication of all those documents that record the process of knowledge construction and that can become the basis for new projects.More
UCC journals are scientific and international publications, open access, under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0) in different areas of knowledge: forensic sciences, solidarity economy, sciences legal, engineering, psychology, education, oral or dental health and animal health or zootechnics. They receive research articles, reflection, review, case analysis, in Spanish, English and Portuguese, being subjected to a rigorous evaluation process by double-blind external peers. Its publication is aimed at researchers and does not entail any cost for the authors.More